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Take advantage of our one-stop knowledge base! Our pool of expertise provides information on all aspects of Audit Butler and software asset management. Here you’ll find information about the basic concepts of license management, tips and much, much more.
Flyers and factsheets on Audit Butler and SAM

Audit Butler videos
Episode 1
In a nutshell: The benefits of Professional vs. Starter Edition
Episode 2
In a nutshell: The benefits of Onboarding Training
Episode 3
In a nutshell: What exactly are ‘entries’ in Audit Butler?
Episode 4
In a nutshell: What exactly are MSAs?
Episode 5
In a nutshell: The benefits of Data Entry Onboarding
Episode 6
In a nutshell: The benefits of manualrecording vs. scans
Episode 7
In a nutshell: The benefits of Maintenance aaS
Episode 8
In a nutshell: Customising: an explanation and examples
Episode 9
In a nutshell: Audit Butler Enterprise Edition
Audit Butler Starter Edition: datasheets

Audit Butler
Starter Edition 1 User

Upgrade Audit Butler
Starter Edition 3 Users

200 Additional MSAs –
Starter Edition
You’ll find the Starter Edition products here in our shop. You’ll find a detailed comparison of the editions here.
Audit Butler Professional Edition: datasheets

Audit Butler
Professional Edition 1 User

Upgrade Audit Butler
Professional Edition 3 Users

200 Additional MSAs –
Professional Edition
You’ll find the Professional Edition products here in our shop. You’ll find a detailed comparison of the editions here.
Audit Butler Enterprise Edition: datasheets

Audit Butler
Enterprise Edition 5 Users

Upgrade Audit Butler
Enterprise Edition 1 User

500 Additional MSAs –
Enterprise Edition
You’ll find the Enterprise Edition products here in our shop. You’ll find a detailed comparison of the editions here.
The Audit Butler Glossary
Asset | A company’s property In our context, for example, a software asset is a license. |
Audit | Investigation, review During an audit, the software company checks, for example, whether the corresponding licenses have been purchased or rented for the software used in the business. If there are discrepancies between a license inventory and usage (under-licensing), companies may require the customer to buy additional licenses, and penalties may apply on top of the cost of acquiring the missing licenses. |
Audit Butler Starter | Starter Edition of our Audit Butler product. It includes basic tools and options to manage software licenses. |
Audit Butler Professional | Professional Edition of our Audit Butler product. It includes advanced tools and options to manage software licenses, such as assigning licenses to users/devices/servers. |
Audit-ready | If all licenses and assignments are correctly recorded in Audit Butler, an organisation can consider itself ‘audit-ready’. If there is a software audit, the business will have a solid framework for passing the audit without much effort. |
Basic Package | In the case of Audit Butler, the basic package forms the foundation for licensing and can only be purchased once per customer (Starter or Professional). The basic package consists of a license and a fixed number of managed software assets (MSAs). |
CAL | Client Access License A CAL allows a user/device to access or use Microsoft server software. |
Cloud-Service | A service that provides decentralised and device-independent access to servers, data storage, applications, etc. hosted by a provider via the internet. |
CLP | Contractual License Programm A volume-based licensing program from Microsoft that allows you to purchase a predetermined number of products within a set period of time. |
CML | Client Management License Devices without a server operating system (e.g. Windows PCs) require a client management license so they can be managed with a system centre service. The CML grants the system centre server access to the client. |
Compliance | Konformität Compliance refers to a situation where enough licenses for the number of installed software programs and access have been rented or purchased. |
Consultant | In our context, an expert in software asset management (SAM) who checks for compliance and supports inventory and license management for a business. |
Consumer | In Audit Butler, a consumer is a license user. A consumer can be a person or a device. |
Core | Computer Core / Processor Core Central part of a computing system or Central Processing Unit (CPU). It serves as a parameter for the correct licensing of server licenses (core licensing). |
Core-based Licensing | With core-based licensing, Microsoft licenses all a server’s processor cores: at least 16 core for Windows servers and 4 core for SQL servers. |
CPU | Central Processing Unit The CPU is the central computing and control unit, which includes several processor cores. |
Contract | In the case of Audit Butler, refers to a contract between an organisation and a software company. A contract belongs to an organisation and can contain multiple purchase orders. |
Device | Terminal A license can be assigned to a device, e.g. notebook, desktop PC, etc., for its use. |
Device-CAL | Server access license for an end device A device CAL, such as a remote desktop device CAL, is assigned to a device. This means that users do not need the same kind of access license of their own. |
Downgrade (right) | The right to be able to revert to a previous version of a license (e.g. to install a purchased Office 2019 Standard as Office 2016 Standard). (For Microsoft, this only applies to versions, not editions. The downgrade right is limited for some license types.) |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation An EU regulation that standardises the rules governing the processing of personal data by controllers (both private and public) across the EU |
EA | Enterprise Agreement A Microsoft volume licensing package for large organisations with 500+ PCs (250+ for public bodies) |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association Economic policy alliance between Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. It promotes free trade between and economic integration of the member countries. |
ESD | Electronic Software Distribution Software provision exclusively via digital download; no physical product exists. |
EOL | End of Life After the end of mainstream support and the subsequent extended support, a Microsoft product reaches its EOL and receives no further security updates. However, the software can also be used after its EOL at the user’s own risk. |
EULA | End User License Agreement A specific license agreement that governs the software’s use. A EULA is often displayed at the beginning of the software installation process and gives the person or business the right to use the software in certain ways. A EULA does not grant any ownership rights over the software. |
ESU | Extended Security Update In the case of Microsoft, ESUs are paid upgrades for extended support. They take effect after the end of extended support, delaying a product’s EOL (end of life). ESUs are usually only available to customers with MPSA and EA. Some products will receive a free ESU if they are listed in Azure. |
Extended Support | After the end of mainstream support, Microsoft products will receive extended support with security updates and hotfixes for security issues. |
EEA | European Economic Area The EEA includes the countries of the European Union as well as the countries of the European Free Trade Association excluding Switzerland (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway). |
Entry | Calculation unit used by Audit Butler for data collection/maintenance. An entry should be seen as a step in data collection/maintenance, e.g. uploading a contract. |
FPP | Full Packaged Product In the case of Microsoft, a complete retail package consisting of data carrier, license certificate and documentation. Primarily for retail sales for the target group of private individuals and small companies. |
HAS | Historical Annual Spend Excel statement issued by Adobe to inventory all license transactions undertaken with Adobe including key |
ISO/IEC 19770-1:2017 | International standards for software asset management |
ITAD | IT Asset Disposition Describes the process of disposing of IT hardware in a safe, legally compliant and environmentally sound manner |
ITAM | IT Asset Management Refers to the process of properly documenting, deploying, maintaining, updating and retiring an organisation’s assets (software and hardware) |
Keys | License key A key is required to activate purchased software. A key alone does not constitute a license. |
Key Management Service | See KMS |
KMS | Key Management Service In the case of Microsoft, this is the activation of volume licenses via a client-server model for active Windows clients on a local network. KMS clients are connected to a KMS server/KMS host for activation. |
Life Cycle | Life cycle (of a product) Encompasses a product’s start and end (software or hardware). With software, its start corresponds to the release date of the version and end corresponds to the end of support from the software company. Licenses can be used beyond the end of the life cycle, but will no longer receive updates. |
License | A license corresponds to the purchased or rented right to use the software in question. With Audit Butler itself, it corresponds to the user license for an Audit Butler user. |
License Key | See Keys |
LTSC | Long-Term Servicing Channel Licenses with LTSC in the product version receive longer support than licenses without LTSC. |
Long-Term Servicing Channel | See LTSC |
MAK | Multi Activation Key / Mehrfachaktivierungsschlüssel An MAK activates the purchased license through an activation server hosted by Microsoft. Only one key is required, and it can be reused in line with activations released by Microsoft. |
MBSA | Microsoft Business and Service Agreement An MBSA sets out the basic terms for all license agreements between an organisation and Microsoft. |
MLP | Microsoft Licensing Professional An MLP is the official title of an expert who has completed extensive training on the Microsoft licensing model/volume licensing program. |
MLS | Microsoft License Statement Excel statement issued by Microsoft to inventory all license transactions undertaken with Microsoft |
MPSA | Microsoft Products and Service Agreement A Microsoft licensing program for multinational businesses with 250 or more users. Both on-premise products and cloud services are available through an MPSA. |
MSA | Managed Software Assets In the case of Audit Butler licensing, MSA means a rented/purchased software license from a company that is recorded and managed in Audit Butler. For example, an MSA corresponds to 1 x Microsoft Office Standard 2019. 200 managed Office licenses require 200 MSAs. |
MSA Group | In an MSA group, Audit Butler’s services combine all elements of a product within one order. (200 x MS Office Standard 2019 in an order = 200 MSAs = 1 MSA group). |
New Licenses | Licenses that have been purchased directly from the software company or from an authorised dealer and are on the market for the first time. |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer Original Equipment Manufacturer OEM licenses are linked to the purchase of hardware and are usually pre-installed on it. They are, though, not hardware bound and can be independently transferred from the purchased hardware to other computers and can be bought second-hand. |
Off Premise | Away from a physical location See Cloud |
Onboarding: Data Entry | Depending on the package size, the customer will receive support with the initial entry of all their data/MSAs into Audit Butler. After that, the customer only has to document changes and keep it up to date. |
Onboarding: Training | In a 60-minute training session, a client (up to 5 participants) is guided through Audit Butler’s features. |
On Premise | In a physical location Usage model for software licenses in your own environment, e.g. own servers/systems, as opposed to and not in the cloud. No internet connection is required to use the software. |
Open License / OL | A Microsoft licensing program for small and medium-sized businesses with up to 500 PCs and access to the VLSC volume licensing portal (only until 31/12/2021). |
Open Value / OV | A Microsoft licensing program for small and medium-sized businesses. Minimum order quantity: 5 licenses. Licenses always receive software assurance and last 3 years. |
OS | Operating System (e.g. Windows 10 Pro) |
Order | New order or renewal of a current contract. An order is added under a contract in Audit Butler. Existing licenses with SA will be renewed and converted into new versions if necessary, avoiding the need for extra MSAs. |
Over-licensing | Over-licensing occurs when a business has more licenses available than users/devices/servers. For example, a company has 450 Windows 10 Pro licenses but only 300 computers (or devices that require an operating system). |
Perpetual License | License unlimited in time A license unlimited in time that is purchased in full rather than rented/used as a subscription |
PKC | Product Key Card A card with the license key to unlock Office products. No right to downgrade or virtualise. The PKC must be kept as proof and equates to a proper license. |
Product | In Audit Butler, describes the product (e.g. Office) including the edition (e.g. Standard) |
Product Family | In Audit Butler, describes the parent product family without edition or version (e.g. Office) |
Product Version | In Audit Butler, describes the version of a product without a product name or edition (e.g. 2019) |
Prozessor | The central computing and control unit, which includes several processor cores. In older licensing models, licensing was based on the number of processors installed (e.g. 1Proc, 2Proc) instead of cores. |
Portable device right | Refers to the right to install a second instance of the licensed software on a portable device (e.g. laptop) (common with volume licenses). |
Qualifying Operating Systems | Windows operating systems purchased through a volume licensing agreement (e.g. Enterprise LTSC) may only be installed and activated on devices that are based on a qualifying operating system, such as Windows 10 Pro for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021. |
Read-Only | The licensee is granted read-only permission and cannot modify, create or delete any records. |
Re-Imaging Right | The right to distribute the installation of the software from a single installation medium to multiple devices |
SaaS | Software as a Service Service package for application software delivered via the internet |
SA | Software Assurance A software maintenance contract that gives organisations access to the latest software versions and releases. Available for new licenses only. |
SAM | Software Asset Management Process of managing and controlling software licenses within a business |
Select | A (Microsoft) volume licensing program predating Select Plus for large companies with around 1,000 PCs or more (only until 07/2011) |
Select Plus | A (Microsoft) volume licensing program predating MPSA for medium and large companies with 250 PCs or more (only until 07/2015) |
Software-Asset | In our context, a software asset, for example, is a license bought by a business. In the case of Audit Butler licensing, rental licenses and subscriptions are also classed as software assets. |
SPLA | Service Provider License Agreement A hosting license program from Microsoft. Products can be rented through a hosting service provider or an independent software vendor. The payment is made on a monthly basis to the host per click or per use. No license agreement is necessary. |
Test/Trial Version | A software version with all its features and a time limit. A trial version helps users get to know the software. It is not intended for permanent use (14 days in the case of Audit Butler). |
Unit | Describes the entity a license is assigned to (e.g. device or user). |
Under-licensing | For example, a company has 400 Exchange User CAL but 450 users accessing the Exchange server. |
User | A physical person that a license to use can be assigned to (specifically Microsoft) In Audit Butler, a user is called a ‘Consumer’, and a user is also a person with access rights to the Audit Butler clients. |
User-CAL | Server access license for an individual In this case the CAL, e.g. Remote Desktop User CAL, is assigned to a physical person, so they can access the server on any device. These devices do not require any additional access licenses. |
VM | Virtual machine A VM (also known as a virtual server) is an operating system or application environment that has been installed on software. It mimics dedicated hardware, providing an isolated environment for running applications or operating systems regardless of the underlying host system. In the case of Microsoft licensing, virtual servers are licensed according to the virtual cores like a physical server (with active SA & CSP subscription) or according to the physical hardware cores and the number of concurrent server instances running (virtually/physically) (without SA/CSP subscription). |
VLK | Volume License Key The VLK is used to activate a product or software legally under Microsoft volume licensing agreements (see MAK / KMS). |
VLSC | Volume Licensing Service Center A Microsoft web portal for customers with volume licensing agreements (Open License, Open Value, Enterprise Agreement). The VLSC provides access to license overviews, software assurance features, software downloads, and license keys for purchased licenses. |
Volume License | A volume licensing program product, e.g. Open Value. With a minimum purchase quantity of 5 licenses, the buyer receives a volume license key and can activate all these licenses using a single key. Volume licenses also include the right to downgrade, reimaging rights and portable device rights. Software assurance can also be purchased for new volume licenses. |